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Patient Participation

About Patient Participation at St. Peter’s

At St. Peter’s, a group of volunteer patients, carers and surgery staff meet regularly to discuss and support the running of the surgery. This Patient Participation Group, known as the PPG, look at the services offered, patient experience and how improvements can be made for the benefit of everyone.

The PPG, in turn, works with a large group of supporters to ensure the widest possible representation of patients and carers.

Supporters will receive:
• Regular newsletters from the practice
• Information on the PPG and what projects we are working on
• Information on local Community Health events run by St Peter’s
• An invitation to online ‘Have Your Say’ meetings
• Information on opportunities for Volunteering

If you would like to become a Supporter, please complete the form here. Your details will be stored securely, in line with St. Peter’s Medical Centre Data Security Policy, and you can unsubscribe at any time.

Aim of the PPG

To assist the Practice in continuing to improve provision of healthcare and to facilitate and enhance communication between patients and the practice, using a variety of methods.

Objectives of the PPG

• Contribute to continuous improvement of services.
• Improve two-way communication between the practice and its patients.
• Provide practical support and help to implement change.
• Build positive relationships  between the practice, its patients & the wider community

If you would like to know more about the PPG or the Supporters group, please email